At a credit union, you’re more than a customer or transaction. You’re a friend deserving of the personal attention and practical solutions that help you make the most of your money. Together, we work to build a strong community with financial relationships that last a lifetime.
Just as you get to know the owners and staff of your favorite coffee shop over the years, you get to know the friendly faces at your local credit union. They also get to know you and your family, which helps them fine-tune their member service to find the best solutions for your financial needs. With options like refinancing and first-time loans, checking and savings accounts, and services to set you up for the future, we are dedicated to helping you move forward with your plans.
The local investment you make in Millstream Area Credit Union is the same investment we make back into the community. We aim to keep the economic structure of our neighborhood strong by circulating funds within our community, just as you are. When you bank with our credit union, you take a responsible ownership, not only of your own finances, but as an invested community member. Because we are familiar with the community, we provide the loan options and services that best fit based on experience.
Local investment is about more than money, too. Credit unions like Millstream also invest in the community by supporting organizations and events that resonate with the people in our town. Recently, we've raised money for Cancer Patient Services of Hancock County through a "best pumpkin vote," sold raffle tickets to support Race for the Cure, sponsored Food Truck Friday, and dressed up for Findlay High School Homecoming! Our activities and fundraisers change with the season to best serve the spirit and needs of the community.
We never want to take advantage of our members with hidden fees or bloated interest rates. After all, we look you in the eye every day. At Millstream Area Credit Union, we offer competitive rates for home loans, home refinance, auto loans, and auto refinance. We are here to help you no matter where you are on your financial journey.
Learn more about how Millstream Area Credit Union is not just a place to do banking but a part of your community.